
Lotus Eaters employs far more slang than Calypso, no doubt reflecting the fact that Bloom has left his home and is walking the streets of Dublin. Many of the chapter's idioms are distinctively Hiberno-English, the result of people either adapting Irish words to a foreign medium ("foostering" and possibly "spreeish") or putting English words to new uses ("How's the body," "I'd like my job," "pimping," "don't you know," "pickeystone," "the rere," "What's the best news?," "scut," and possibly "on the nod"). Other expressions ("lobbing," "halfseasover," "bends," "Having a wet," "catch me napping," "in the same boat," "Give you the needle," "juggins," "her roses," "Damn all," "crawthumpers," "on hands") either clearly originated in England or are used in both countries.

John Hunt 2021

