
When Bloom thinks of Martha making supper for Jesus in her home, he pictures her bringing in well water in a jar and imagines that it would be "stonecold like the hole in the wall at Ashtown." Ashtown is a suburb on the northwest edge of Dublin, a mile or two west of the Glasnevin cemetery and just north of the Phoenix Park. On Blackhorse Avenue, which follows the course of the park's stone wall on the suburb's southern border, sits a long and narrow pub called Hole in the Wall. There was, and still is, a hand-pump next to the pub where people can help themselves to well water.

John Hunt 2022

  Photograph of the pub on its website, with the hole in the wall visible behind white bars at the left edge. Source:

Robert French photograph from the National Library of Ireland's Lawrence Photograph Collection, date unknown, showing the Blackhorse Tavern (an earlier name), the hand pump at left, and the hole in the wall. Source:

  The Ashtown Gate, built ca. 1830. Source: