Local colour

Stephen starts his Shakespeare talk by painting a scene. "It is this hour of a day in mid June," he says, but the year is 1601, and the scene is not Dublin but the south bank of the River Thames. Several concrete features of the scene around the Globe theater follow, after which Stephen thinks, "Local colour. Work in all you know. Make them accomplices." He has lifted this expression, and some of his details, from Georg Brandes' William Shakespeare: A Critical Study. The phrase is useful for thinking not only about Shakespeare, but also about Joyce.

John Hunt 2022

Contemporary drawing of the Globe Theatre showing the flag that announced an impending performance. Source: www.gettysburgflag.com.

"Sackerson loose," an illustration by Robert Buss on p. 160 of The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere, vol. 1 (1839). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

20th century drawing (by C. Walter Hodges?) of a player making noise for the groundlings. Source: www.youtube.com.