
Shakespeare's works dwell obsessively on men's fears that their sexual partners are unfaithful, often deploying a conceit that had wide currency in Elizabethan culture: the fancy that cuckolds, like stags and bulls, grow horns. In some plays this shameful image is charged with tragic intensity. In Scylla and Charybdis Stephen describes Will meditating on his wife's infidelity: "His unremitting intellect is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the moor in him shall suffer." But some of the comedies also joke about horns, as reflected in Stephen's picture of Shakespeare himself committing adultery "without more ado about nothing." After Sirens, drawing on a different linguistic tradition, associates "horn" with Blazes Boylan's phallus, the horns of cuckoldry become affixed to Bloom's head in Circe.

John Hunt 2023

Woodblock print of a man with cuckold's horns, artist and date unknown. 
Source: bardfilm.blogspot.com.

Source: torange.biz

A Mycenean rython (drinking vessel) in the shape of a bull's head whose horns are tipped with gold in the Minoan manner. Source: www.ancient-greece.org.

. Source: deer.wildlifeillinois.org.

Another woodcut image of horned cuckolds from the Shakespearean era, artist and date unknown. Source: englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com.