Charley, you're my darling

A classic Scottish folk song shows up in Hades when Joe Hynes refers to C. P. M'Coy as "Charley" and recalls that he "was on the Freeman once." Bloom thinks, "So he was before he got the job in the morgue under Louis Byrne.... Got the run. Levanted with the cash of a few ads. Charley, you're my darling. That was why he asked me to." Bloom's association of two Charleys may be purely superficial, but more likely—given the endless significations in Joyce's writing—it reflects his hunch that the dishonest M'Coy is avoiding contact with the newspaper that once employed him.

John Hunt 2020

The "lost portrait" of Charles Edward Stuart, 1745 oil on canvas painting by Allan Ramsay held in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

"Gentlemen, he cried, drawing his sword, I have thrown away the scabbard": Bonnie Prince Charlie on the battlefield, in an illustration from Scotland's Story: A History of Scotland for Boys and Girls (1876). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Oil on canvas portrait of Charles Edward Stuart near the end of his life, ca. 1785, by Hugh Douglas Hamilton, held in Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Eddi Reader performing Charlie, He's My Darling at The Basement, Sydney, Australia, in 2006. Source:

James Henry Miller, a.k.a. Ewan MacColl, and Peggy Seeger in a 1960 recording of the song. Source: Source: